What’s On


Saturday Nov 19th

Kites Nest Farm, Swinhay, Wotton-under-Edge, Bristol, GL12 7PH

11.30 am onwards

Kindly hosted by Anthony Foster

The venue is ten minutes off Jn 14 of the M5. Anthony has an Akhal-Teke, Pyrrhus (aka Mischa), who will be delighted to meet his public; plus an indoor school with a large viewing gallery. An agility clinic will be in progress, which we are invited to watch.

Instructor: Sheila Jones,
Holder of The Monty Roberts Preliminary Certificate of Horsemanship
Horse Agility Accredited Trainer
Craniosacral Therapist.

If you would like to meet Sheila, it would be best to arrive around 11.30 am – 12.00. Otherwise, we aim for lunch around 1 pm. This will be a “beanfeast” – i.e. bring a couple of items of food each, and pool it. If you can’t make it until later, don’t worry; at whatever time, we look forward to seeing you!

There will be a display of Turkoman clothing, carpets, saddle cloths etc; information on the Akhal-Teke horse including history and achievements; and access to photos and videos. Come and meet this extraordinary breed of horse!